An Arrow Through Winter

A Film by Ahad H. Bandeali


When faced with bringing back his hunt, an Inuit hunter embarks on a dangerous journey in order to feed his wife before she starves

Director’s Statement:

As a director, I have always been fascinated by Inuit culture and the wisdom it holds. 'An Arrow Through Winter' is my attempt to explore one of the core values of this culture - sacrifice. Through this film, I wanted to examine what lengths one would go to in order to keep their loved ones safe.

One of the key creative decisions I made while developing this project was to use 3D animation to bring the story to life. Given the scope of the film, which takes place in a remote snow-filled landscape, shooting it in a live-action format was not possible. Additionally, I chose not to include any dialog in the film, as I believe in the power of visual storytelling.

Ultimately, my goal with 'An Arrow Through Winter' is to invite audiences to reflect on their own experiences with sacrifice, and to recognize the strength that can be found within us when faced with adversity. Despite the harshness of nature and the challenges that come with it, there is still a drive inside us to persevere - especially when it comes to protecting those we love.

I hope that viewers of 'An Arrow Through Winter' will connect with these themes and take away a renewed appreciation for the power of sacrifice and the strength of the human spirit.”

The Team

Director: Ahad H. Bandeali

Producer: Ayesha Jahangir

Art Director: Stacie April D’Souza

Sound Designer: Salman Ahmed

Character Modeler: Syed Asif Khan

Illustrator: Sheece Khan

Creative Consultant: Ahsan Khan

Animation Consultant: Shaun Ansari

Environment & Animal Assets:






Guns & Champa


Scene Recreation